dinsdag 25 juli 2017


Jonas went for three days to his cousin. It's quite in our house, without
I' have my hands free to do the household, some cluttering and I'm
organising our wedding with is already in one month...

woensdag 19 juli 2017

new adventures

We arrived in Schokkerhaven for a midweek holiday. 
Jonas was so exited about the boat and the location that he didn't 
get tired until it was really late. In the end, he fel asleep at ten 
I have to admit that I'm a bit stressed about the water and Jonas, 
who doesn't see any danger at all. 
Tomorrow he is wearing a life jacket when walking on and around 
the boat!

zondag 9 juli 2017

building castles

We had a great weekend at the seaside. Today we build a castle in the 
So much work, before the sea destroys everything. But it's the pleasure 
of making, the pleasure of watching what happens when the sea is 
It made me think of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of sand mandala's 
which symbolise the Buddhist belief in the transitory nature of material 

maandag 3 juli 2017

zondag 2 juli 2017

100 jaar

Oma turned 100 years old today. 
One century and still shining like a young girl.

zaterdag 1 juli 2017

plain / purl

Today we went to 'Plain / Purl', a great expo in Design museum Gent.
If you haven't seen it yet, it's a good reason to visit Gent this summer!